ALLAHABAD HIGHCOURT, CTET, PROMOTION, UPTET : पदोन्नति हेतु UPTET की अनिवार्यता पर मा0 उच्च न्यायालय की डबल बैंच ने भी लगाई मुहर, स्पेशल अपील को खारिज करते हुए गुणवत्ता हेतु टेट की अनिवार्यता को बताया आवश्यक क्लिक कर आदेश देखें ।
We, therefore, find no reason to restrain respondents from
taking aforesaid test. The purpose of having a person passed
TET is only to judge one's efficiency and performance of
imparting education Primary School. In case teachers are not
efficient to impart primary education to its students, the very
purpose of providing basic standard education would be
Court No. 34
Case : SPECIAL APPEAL No. 737 of 2018
Appellant : Subedar Yadav And 4 Ors
Respondent : State Of U.P. And 4 Ors
Counsel for Appellant : Arpan Srivastava
Counsel for Respondent : C.S.C.,Dhananjay Awasthi,Ram
Prakash Shukla
Hon'ble Sudhir Agarwal,J.
Hon'ble Om PrakashVII,J.
1. Heard Sri Anil Bhushan, learned Senior Advocate assisted
by Sri Arpan Srivastava, learned counsel for appellants, learned
Standing Counsel for respondent no. 1, Sri Dhananjay Awasthi
for respondents no. 4 and 5 and perused the record.
2. This intraCourt appeal under Chapter VIII Rule 5 of
Allahabad High Court Rules, 1952 (hereinafter referred to as
"Rules, 1952") has arisen from judgment and order dated
01.08.2018 passed by learned Single Judge dismissing
appellants' writ petition no. 16523 of 2018 by which order
impugned therein dated 17.05.2018 was sought to be quashed.
3. Dispute in this appeal is, whether appellants are required
to pass Teachers' Eligibility Test (hereinafter referred to “TET”)
for being considered for promotion from Primary to Junior High
School under the Regulations.
4. Learned counsel for the appellant contended that
requirement of passing TET is confined to direct recruitment
and not for the purpose of promotion.
5. We are of the view that requirement of passing TET is
necessary for selection, promotion and for any other mode of
appointment and it is not confined only to the selection from 2 open recruitment. 6. We, therefore, find no reason to restrain respondents from taking aforesaid test. The purpose of having a person passed TET is only to judge one's efficiency and performance of imparting education Primary School. In case teachers are not efficient to impart primary education to its students, the very purpose of providing basic standard education would be defeated. 7. We, therefore, find no fault in the judgment of learned Single Judge, assailed in this appeal. 8. Dismissed. Order Date : 4.9.2018 Sachdeva