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एक छत के नीचे 'प्राइमरी का मास्टर' से जुड़ी शिक्षा विभाग की समस्त सूचनाएं एक साथ

Frequently Asked Questions : U-DISE (यू-डायस) : कुछ पूछने योग्य प्रश्न

Frequently Asked Questions : U-DISE (यू-डायस) : कुछ पूछने योग्य प्रश्न

1. What is U‐DISE?
U‐DISE is the Unified District Information System for Education. U‐DISE has been established through the integration of District Information System for Education (DISE) of the Elementary level and the Secondary Education Management Information System (SEMIS) of the Secondary level. U‐DISE is the primary information source for educational planning and assessing the progress under the education sector in India, especially under the Government funded Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) programmes. It collects information on enrolment, availability of infrastructure and teachers and other facilities available in all schools in the country. U‐DISE has the school as the unit of data collection and district as the unit of data dissemination. It is under implementation in all the districts spread over 35 States and Union Territories of the country.

2. Where can we download U‐DISE software and Data Capture Format (DCF)?
The U‐DISE support is available online for assistance to all. It can be accessed at the following web address http://www.dise.in/U‐DISE.html. The support available includes the U‐DISE Setup Software, Database Organization, School Database, Export and Import Utility, U‐DISE Reporter, DCF, DCF Instructions Manual etc. In addition, the District and State Offices of SSA and RMSA may also be contacted for support. 

3. What is the unit of U‐DISE data collection? 
The unit of data collection for U‐DISE is school irrespective of the stages (primary, upper primary, secondary, and higher secondary) of education it provides.

4. Who is responsible for providing U‐DISE information at the school level? 
The responsibility for providing accurate information on the school rests with the Principal/Head Master/ Head Teacher of the school. She/he should take assistance from teachers and support staff of the school to ensure that the accurate information is submitted through U‐DISE in a timely manner. The Cluster Resource Centre (CRC) Coordinator is responsible for providing the necessary support to schools for ensuring accurate collection and reporting of U‐DISE information.

5. Can U‐DISE information be changed/edited after the completion of data entry to rectify errors?
The Principal/Head teacher should ensure that the information provided in the U‐DISE DCF is correct and free from errors. Efforts, through peer review and checklist, should be made at the school level to ensure that the information provided is correct. However, in case something has been reported incorrectly in the DCF, the CRC/BRC Coordinator or District Authorities should be informed about it and the data should be rectified by submitting corrected copy of the DCF to the authorities. However, if there is a change in the situation after filling‐up of DCF, the data should not be modified.

6. What is the procedure to reassign new Codes in U‐DISE if there is a new district formed?
U‐DISE Code is 11 digit code that with the first two digits representing the State and the following two digits representing the District. As change in U‐DISE Code has implication at all levels of UDISE management, data collection, entry, analysis and utilization, it should be managed efficiently so that all measures are taken to ensure its uniformity in all stages of data management. The UDISE State Coordinators of SSA and RMSA are responsible for managing the changes to U‐DISE Codes for Schools in event of creation of the new district. They will be assisted by the Department of EMIS, NUEPA in managing the same before the start of a new U‐DISE cycle.

7. Can Geographical Levels (Ward, Habitation, Revenue Village, Gram Panchayat, Block, District and Municipality) for a school/schools be reassigned in U‐DISE software?
This should only be done in absolute necessary cases. The need of changing any geographical level would arise if there is a change in structure (bifurcation/ merger) which requires change of such geographical entities. Secondly, if the school was earlier attached to some other geographical entity wrongly. In such cases, the District authority will do the needful before printing the data capture format.

8. If a school does not have U‐DISE Code, How do we get their DCF printed and given to them for filling the data?
The newly identified school not included in U‐DISE in previous year needs to be first initialized with the U‐DISE software to generate a U‐DISE Code for the school as well as a blank U‐DISE DCF. The blank DCF will be used to collect information for the first time.

9. Does U‐DISE cover unrecognized Play Schools and Tuition Centers?
No, U‐DISE does not cover schools that do not provide formal education to children between class 1 and 12. Hence, information from Play Schools and Tuition Centers need not be collected under U‐DISE.

10. Is the U‐DISE data mandatory for private schools?
Yes, collection and submission of U‐DISE information is mandatory for all schools that provide formal education, including that provided by Madrasas, both recognized and unrecognized. This also includes all private educational institutions that provide formal education.

11. Do we have to provide U‐DISE information for unrecognized schools/Madrasa?
Yes, U‐DISE information needs to be collected from private unrecognized schools and Madrasas as well.

12. Does U‐DISE cover National Child Labour Project Schools (NCLP) schools?
No, U‐DISE does not cover educational institutions that provide informal or non‐formal education. Hence, U‐DISE information need not be collected from NCLP schools. However, children studying in these schools should be considered as receiving ‘Special Training’ and should be enrolled in formal schools as well.

13. Whether KGBV are included in U‐DISE?
Yes, all schools that provide formal school education are to be covered under U‐DISE. Hence, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalayas are covered under U‐DISE. However, the KGBVs which only have hostels and do not have a school need not be covered under U‐DISE. Girls in these hostels would be covered in the nearby schools they are attending.

14. Do we need to fill DCF for Schools closed by the administration?
U‐DISE information should be provided for all formal schools that are presently providing education to children. No, U‐DISE information should not be collected for schools that have been closed. However, it is recommended that such schools should be marked CLOSED in the software while making the data entry. Other‐wise such schools may give a wrong impression of school without enrolment, teachers etc.

15. Is DCF software available in Hindi language?
No, the U‐DISE software is not available in Hindi language. But, the DCF and Data Capture Guidelines may be provided in the regional language of the state by the State U‐DISE Coordinators.

16. When should we start printing the U‐DISE DCF?
The State U‐DISE Coordinator circulates a U‐DISE Calendar every year which have the timelines for each of the U‐DISE activities and tasks including persons responsible at State, District, Block, Cluster and School level. The U‐DISE DCF should be printed only after the State MIS Coordinator share the final DCF with the districts.

17. How can we get U‐DISE code for a new school?
U‐DISE School Code will be allotted by the SSA or RMSA Coordinator of the District in the first year. Second year onwards, the code would be pre‐printed on the DCF.

18. What is the difference between other management and unrecognized?
Unrecognized refers to Schools that have no recognition from the State Government whereas, ‘Others’ category refers to any schools that do not fall in the options given. This should be used when any of the options given in the DCF is not applicable to the school.

19. Provide clarification on the year of Recognition of Schools?
The year of recognition for Government schools is same as year of establishment. However, in case of private schools, it may be actual/latest year of recognition. Different sections of a school may be recognized at different point in times, therefore, respective years of recognition needs to be mentioned for each level separately. In case teachers are not aware of the year of establishment/ recognition of a Government school, the teachers should try and obtain this information from school records or District authorities. If the information is not available anywhere, the school teachers should ask the community about the same and then should provide the same in U‐DISE DCF. However, in this case the teachers must maintain the same information in the school records so that the same is not changed year after year.

20. Information on Year of establishment is not available for some schools due to poor maintenance. What to do?
The Block and District level officials needs to be approached if the records for Year of Establishment is not available for Government school in the school records. Once information is sourced, records need to be maintained at the school level for all future purposes. In case it is difficult to ascertain the year of establishment of the school, the teachers should ask the community about the year of establishment and shall maintain that for all future purposes. 

21. A school was opened as an EGS Centre but later converted to regular school. What would be the year of establishment? 
The date of establishment will be when the school was converted to a formal regular school. E.g. if the EGS started in 2002 and later it converted into a formal primary school in 2005, the year of establishment would be 2005.

22. Provide clarification on the highest and lowest classes in the school?
The highest and lowest classes for a specific school are determined by the level of the education provided at the respective school. However, the lowest and highest class should remain within 1 – 12 (Formal education). For example, if a school is providing education from pre‐primary to Secondary level, the lowest class would be considered to be 1 and highest would be 10. Similarly, another category of secondary only schools may consist only grade 9‐10 or 8‐10 (as per State’s policy). In such cases, the lowest class would be 8 or 9 and highest class would be 10. There are some schools (called as Junior Colleges) which starts at Grade 11 or lower and also provides undergraduate course. For such schools the lowest class would be class 11 (or lower, as available) and the highest class would be class 12 (and not undergraduate).

23. What is difference between SMC and SMDC?
School Management Committee (SMC) is mandated to be formed as part of the Right to Education Act, 2009 and Sarva Shiksha Aahiyan (SSA). Whereas, School Management and Development Committee (SMDC) are Committees that are formed as per the Rashtriya MAdhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) in Government and Aided schools. They have been constituted to bring about better management and accountability in school management through involvement of various stakeholders, including the community.

24. Can a private school with hostel facility considered to be as a residential school?
Yes, any school that provide residential facility for students should be considered as a School with a Hostel Facility.

25. Specify current and previous academic year.
The current academic year refers to the ongoing academic session at the time of filling‐in U‐DISE format. Whereas, the last Academic Year refers to the last completed Academic Year. For example if the DCF is being filled on 30th September, 2014, the current academic year would be 2014‐15 and the previous year would be considered as 2013‐14.

26. There are some Anganwadi Centers running in Primary Schools. In what School category should we show them?
If it is a Primary School with Pre‐primary facility, the school should be considered at par with other Primary schools and the same code should be used. However, to provide information on Preprimary/ Anganwadi facility .

27. What is the difference between book bank and library in school? 
Normally, in Upper Primary or Secondary schools a Library is available, whereas, in a Primary school, library as such may not be available. In order to bridge the gap some schools are provided with the Book Bank which is not a full‐fledged library but works the same way. Therefore, if the school has either a Book‐bank, Reading Corner or Library it should be considered as having a Bookbank/ Reading Corner/Library.

28. Define Pucca and Kuchcha in condition of classrooms? 
Pucca refers to a construction that has concrete roof and walls made of brick and cement. Kuchcha refers to a construction which has temporary roof made of sheets or thatched roof and walls not made of bricks/stone and cement.

29. What is the basis for sanctioned positions for Non‐Teaching and Support staff? 
The information on sanctioned positions is normally available with the School Principal, Block and District level officials. If the same is not available in the school records, approach the Block and District level officials for Government Schools. For Private Schools, this information should be available with the Principal. In case this information is not available, total number of teachers/staff in position may be entered in teachers/staff sanctioned as well.

30. In case of transfer of teacher, is it possible to move data of teacher from one school to another.
No, there is no provision to move information on teachers from one school to another in the UDISE software. The changes to teacher information (in case of teachers transfer and retirement) need to be made in the DCF and submitted for revision in U‐DISE software for the subsequent year.

31. What is the meaning of Teacher code?
Example AQ2669 or 23000631 Use of teacher code is not uniform and varies and depends on State. Some States do not use, while some states use it as per their state‐specific codes. In case the teacher code is being used by the State, the DCF will mention what code is supposed to be entered (it may vary from state to state). If there is no specific direction to fill Teacher Code in the DCF, it may be left blank.

32. What is the basic difference between regular and contract teacher?
Regular Teachers are those who have been appointed by the Government on permanent basis (normally retires at attaining 58/60 years of age) and for whom all Employment Rules of the Government apply. Contract Teachers are those who have been employed for a fixed term (shortterm) and are provided consolidated salary.

33. What information has to be provided in Section E (Enrolment in current Academic Session by social category and minorities) and what do we have to do if there is more than one section in a class? 
The information in Section ‘E’ is related to the number of children (boys and girls separately) enrolled in each available Class (1‐12) in the school. It has two parts. Part 1 requires information on children (boys and girls separately) enrolled in each available Class (1‐12) by social category (General, SC, ST, OBC and Total) as per State‐specific recognition of these categories. It must be validated that the total of all the categories is correct. However, the information on minorities is to be provided out of the total children enrolled as per the National Minorities. It may be noted that it is possible that a certain religion may not be minority in a State, however, considering that the religion is considered as minority at the National level, it must be reported in the table. The total of all the minorities may not match the total, which is fine.

34. What is new admission in Grade I? 
New admissions in Grade I refers to new admissions took place in Grade‐I in the current year, where it is available in the school. Information on new admissions refers to Grade‐I, and not at Pre‐primary level.

35. Define Repeaters. 
Repeaters are students who are studying in the same Class for more than one year for various reasons. This could be due to long absenteeism, re‐admission in same school and same class after a gap of around one year or failure in examinations etc.

www.dise.in :: www.schoolreportcards.in

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